Have you ever wondered how your menstrual cycle connects to your body's energy centers? In this post, you'll discover how the seven chakras align with your inner seasons, influencing your emotions, vitality, and overall well-being. Learn how to balance these energy centers through mindfulness, affirmations, and cyclical awareness to deepen your connection with your body and harness its natural wisdom.
The human body has within it seven major energy centers. These seven layers are called chakras and each one has a different influence on our physical, emotional and mental state. The word chakra comes from the ancient Sanskrit word meaning “wheel of light” and refers to the energy that is around and in all life forms. We can strengthen each chakra through meditation, positive thinking and prayer. The more we connect with the unseen origin of life energy the stronger we become.
Each chakra, or energy center, corresponds to a different element, color, sensory experience and type of music. There are many books written about chakras if you are interested in learning more. We’re just going to cover the basics and touch on which chakras are most closely connected to the different phases of your menstrual cycle. As you become aware of this subtle flow of energy moving through you you’ll notice how it is a key factor in your physical wellbeing.
The seven major chakras are as follows:
Root Chakra - Muladhara
Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana
Solar Plexus - Manipura
Heart Chakra - Anahata
Throat Chakra - Vishuddha
Brow Chakra - Ajna
Crown Chakra - Sahasrara MENSTRUATION - INNER WINTER- DAYS 1-7
The color of this season is red, indigo, and violet just like the root chakra (Muladhara), the brow chakra (Ajna) and the crown chakra (Sahasrara). When we are in the luteal phase these chakras are opened. If one of these energy centers gets out of balance or closed, saying an affirmation related to the blockage will assist in bringing it back into a healthy state.
Root Chakra - Muladhara meaning “root support”: The first and base energy center, this chakra rests at the bottom of the spine and draws its energy up from the Earth. This is our storehouse of ancestral energy and is connected to safety and survival. The root chakra governs the menstrual and birthing processes. The ability to nurture life stems from this energetic center. When it is open and flowing smoothly we are able to embody the nurturing, positive, hopeful qualities of the Divine Mother.. When it is blocked or stagnant, we find ourselves playing the role of the Victim and overly-dependent on others to maintain life. It is connected to the color red, the sense of smell and the element of Earth.
Root Affirmation: My body supports me in living a creative and happy life. I am open to the spirit of life which carries me beyond my original limits to a higher and freer space. I am grateful for the challenges that have taught me who I truly am.
Brow Chakra - Ajna - meaning “to perceive, to know”:
The sixth chakra sits between the eyebrows and is known as the third eye in some cultures. . This is the center of our innate intelligence and is connected to divine wisdom. The third eye chakra controls the flow of hormones from the pituitary gland and responds well to a wholesome attitude. Discernment, intuition wisdom and knowledge are all qualities of this chakra. When it is open and functioning optimally, we can discern our highest good and we embody the Wise Person. This person seeks meaning, truth and freedom and they offer the best of their life to assist others along the path of life. They engage in a wholesome life and follow spiritual pursuits, guiding and encouraging others around them. When this chakra is out of alignment we embody the Intellectual who only draws on the resources of analytical thinking for information without incorporating the emotional or spiritual aspects of being. This energy tends to be dry and lifeless and often leads to a judgemental and narrow-minded perspective. The brow chakra is connected to the color indigo, classical music, mindful knowing/intuition and is connected to the cosmos.
Brow Affirmation: I open myself to know my inner guidance and deepest wisdom. I live in the light of my truth. I release and forgive the past. I am the source of truth and love in my life.
Crown Chakra - Sahasrara - meaning “thousandfold or thousand petaled”:
The crown chakra is the most elevated chakra in the system. Found at the crown of your head and associated with enlightenment, it provides the means to deepen our connection to life and the source of our being. This energy center controls the pineal gland located below the cerebral hemisphere. It influences our deep sleep cycles, tranquility and happiness. The crown chakra qualities are bliss, beauty and spirituality. When this center is open we embody the Guru and experience the oneness of life flowing through us as we cultivate gratitude and grace. . We feel loved, guided and protected.
When this center is closed we embody the Egoist, someone who is inflexible and arrogant. As the ego rules...dividing, limiting and judging they are caught in the belief that effort alone controls the outcome of their life. They miss out on experiences of pure joy and inner peace. The crown chakra is connected to the color violet, spiritual understanding and like the brow chakra is also associated with the element of the cosmos.
Crown Affirmation: I honor and protect my divine spirit. I am a part of the Infinite at all times. I seek the highest truth and the most healing ways to live my life. I am grateful for the insight I have into the profound mysteries of life. I honor all people, spiritual paths and religions. Each lead to divine love. PRE-OVULATION - INNER SPRING - DAYS 7-14
The color of this season is yellow, green and blue, just like the solar plexus (Manipura), the heart chakra (Anahata) and the throat chakra (Vishuddha). When we are in our Inner Spring these energy centers naturally open. If one of these wheels of energy gets out of balance or closed, saying an affirmation related to the blockage will assist in bringing it back into a healthy state.
Solar Plexus - Manipura - meaning “lustrous jewel”:
The third energy center is located over the stomach and under the diaphragm. The solar plexus filters energy into our vital organs to assimilate food for proper digestion. The center is directly associated with self value and worthiness. It governs our sense of confidence and freedom of choice. It is connected to the element of fire and controls our basic instincts with our relationships to events and people. When it is anchored and flowing smoothly we embody the Warrior--an empowered person who knows who they are in relation to the world. They poses an inner strength and resilience to emotional and physical challenges. They are confident, courageous and creative. When this center is out of balance we find ourselves playing the Servant--a person who is always seeking validation from the external world. Needy and unempowered, their sense of identity is lost as they give their power away by trying to please others in order to receive back the affirmation they are unable to give themselves. The solar plexus chakra is connected to the color yellow, marches, vision and the element of fire.
Solar Plexus Affirmation: I choose the best for myself. I choose goodness, light and love. I am worthy of abundance. I choose health, healing and happiness.
Heart Chakra Anahata - meaning “unstruck, unhurt and unbeaten”:
This fourth energy center is located near the heart in the middle of the chest. The heat chakra is the center of the human energy system and everything that is above it resonates at a higher, more subtle frequency. It functions both emotionally and physically to keep our life force alive. The spiritual heart, which is thought to be the seat of divinity within all of us, is protected by this energy center. When this center is open we embody the Lover, who is a person who lives from the heart. They love unconditionally, bring warmth and acceptance and generate kindness and goodness. They are generous, inclusive and unite those who have been left on the outside. When this energy center is closed we embody the actress, and a person whose love is conditional. Filled with expectations and reasons to withhold love, criticism and judgment fly rampantly when others do not live life within their defined framework. They love through imitation rather than a true feeling. The heart chakra is connected to the color green, choral music, touch and the element of air.
Heart Chakra Affirmation: I look for the joy in myself and I see it in all things. I delight in sharing my joy. Joy is my reason for living. I let my heart shine and give from the depths of my being to those who accept love.
Throat Chakra - Vishuddha - meaning “purification”:
The fifth energy center covers the area of the neck and includes the throat, jaw, mouth and teeth. It is often blocked with suppressed feelings and emotions, which prevents us from rising to our upper centers. Clearing this center requires us having a deep commitment to living with integrity and speaking the truth. When this center is operating optimally, people are open, stand for what they believe in and express their feelings freely and peacefully without shame or guilt. When this center is functioning fluidly we embody the Communicator, a person who lives from integrity and are skilled at putting their feelings into words. Their word is a trusted and you never have to wonder if they have something that they are not telling you. When this center is blocked, we embody the Silent Child. This person has suppressed emotions as they do not know how to express themselves because of fear and shame. They are not connected to their higher truth. They say yes when they mean no. The throat chakra is connected to the color turquoise, opera, hearing and the ethers, in which all things are contained.
Throat Chakra Affirmation: Communicating is vital to my wellbeing. My willpower is aligned with my spiritual purpose in life. I develop my integrity each time I speak the truth. I express my truth creatively and with an open heart.
The colors of our inner summer are orange, yellow, green and blue just like the sacral (Svadhisthana), solar plexus (Manipura), heart (Anahata) and throat (Vishuddha) chakras. Because we are still in our follicular phase, some of the spring chakras carry over into summer and remain open. If one of these energy centers gets out of balance or becomes closed, saying an affirmation related to the blockage will assist in bringing it back into a healthy state.
Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana meaning “my sweet abode”:
The second chakra is located in the pelvis below the naval. The sacral chakra influences our energetic ability to move forward in life. It governs our vitality and well-being. Through this energy center we have the capacity to develop a sense of abundance and a sense of allowing pleasure to be a part of your life. It is connected to the water element and affects our emotions. This chakra is greatly influenced by our ideas about our sense of sexuality. When this energy center is in balance, we are able to embody the Empress--the female Archetype of someone who experiences abundance while enjoying and respecting the world. When this center is out of balance, we find ourselves playing the Martyr--denying the simple, physical pleasures of life. This can lead to feelings of guilt which can be projected onto others making them suffer as well. The sacral chakra is connected to the the color orange, sense of taste and the element of water.
Sacral Affirmation: I love my life. I honor my body and treat myself respectfully. I trust my feelings and give them ample room for expression.
Solar Plexus
Manipura - meaning “lustrous jewel”:
The third energy center is located over the stomach and under the diaphragm. The solar plexus filters energy into our vital organs to assimilate food for proper digestion. The center is directly associated with our sense of self-worth. It governs our sense of confidence and freedom of choice. It is connected to the element of fire and influences our basic instincts in relationships. When it is anchored and flowing smoothly we embody the Warrior--representing empowerment and knowing who you are in relationship with the world. They possess an inner strength and resilience to emotional and physical challenge. They are confident, courageous and creative. When this center is out of balance we find ourselves playing the Servant--a person who is always seeking validation from the external world. Needy and unempowered, their sense of identity is lost as they give their power away in an effort to receive the affirmation they are unable to give themselves. The solar plexus chakra is connected to the color yellow, vision and the element of fire.
Solar Plexus Affirmation: I am worthy of the life I know I deserve. I am confident in my ability to make my life work. I know I am powerful and a wholesome source for good.
Heart Chakra - Anahata - meaning “unstruck, unhurt and unbeaten”:
This fourth energy center is located near the heart in the middle of the chest. The heart chakra is the center of the human energy system and everything that is above it resonates at a higher, more subtle frequency. It functions both emotionally and physically to keep our life force alive. The spiritual heart, which is thought to be the seat of Divinity within all of us, is protected by this energy center. When this center is open we embody the Lover, personified by acceptance, generosity and kindness. . They are inclusive and invite the people who may otherwise have been left out. When this energy center is closed we embody the Actress, a person whose love is conditional. Criticism and judgment fly rampant when others do not live according to their expectations. They love through imitation rather than the true source. The heart chakra is connected to the color green, the sense of touch and the element of air.
Heart Chakra Affirmation: All love resides within my heart. Love opens and heals me. I am love. I am peace. I am light. I choose the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Throat Chakra
Vishuddha - meaning “purification”
The fifth energy center covers the area of the neck and includes the throat, jaw, mouth and teeth. It is often blocked with suppressed feelings and emotions which prevent us from rising to our upper centers. Keeping the throat chakra healthy requires a strong commitment to integrity and speaking the truth. When this center is operating optimally we are able to stand up for what we believe and express our feelings freely and peacefully. When this center is typified by the Communicator, a person is skilled at putting their feelings into words. Their word can be trusted and you never have to wonder if there is something they’re not telling you. When this center is blocked, we embody the Silent Child. This person has suppressed emotions they do not know how to express out of fear or shame. They say yes when they mean no. The throat chakra is connected to the color turquoise, sense of hearing and the ether, in which all things are contained.
Throat Chakra Affirmation: I live in my truth, I communicate my truth, I am the truth. I share truth honestly as I also honor other peoples truth. I listen to myself and trust my inner voice. PRE-MENSTRUATION - INNER AUTUMN - DAYS 21-28
The color of this season is yellow, orange, and purple just like the solar plexus chakra (Manipura) - the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana), the brow chakra (Ajna). When we are in the luteal phase these chakras are opened. If one of these energy centers gets out of balance or closed, saying an affirmation related to the blockage will assist in bringing it back into a healthy state.
Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana meaning “my sweet abode”:
The second chakra is located in the pelvis below the naval. The sacral chakra influences our energetic ability to move forward in life. It governs our vitality and well-being. Through this energy center we have the capacity to develop a sense of abundance and a sense of allowing pleasure to be a part of your life. It is connected to the water element and affects our emotions. This chakra is greatly influenced by our ideas about our sense of sexuality. When this energy center is in balance, we are able to embody the Empress--the female Archetype of someone who experiences abundance while enjoying and respecting the world. When this center is out of balance, we find ourselves playing the Martyr--denying the simple, physical pleasures of life. This can lead to feelings of guilt which can be projected onto others making them suffer as well. The sacral chakra is connected to the the color orange, sense of taste and the element of water.
Sacral Affirmation: I love my life. I honor my body and treat myself respectfully. I trust my feelings and give them ample room for expression.
Solar Plexus
Manipura - meaning “lustrous jewel”:
The third energy center is located over the stomach and under the diaphragm. The solar plexus filters energy into our vital organs to assimilate food for proper digestion. The center is directly associated with our sense of self-worth. It governs our sense of confidence and freedom of choice. It is connected to the element of fire and influences our basic instincts in relationships. When it is anchored and flowing smoothly we embody the Warrior--representing empowerment and knowing who you are in relationship with the world. They possess an inner strength and resilience to emotional and physical challenge. They are confident, courageous and creative. When this center is out of balance we find ourselves playing the Servant--a person who is always seeking validation from the external world. Needy and unempowered, their sense of identity is lost as they give their power away in an effort to receive the affirmation they are unable to give themselves. The solar plexus chakra is connected to the color yellow, vision and the element of fire.
Solar Plexus Affirmation: I am worthy because I exist. I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect. I choose the power of life.
Brow Chakra- Ajna meaning “to perceive, to know”:
The sixth chakra sits between the eyebrows and is known as the third eye in some cultures. . This is the center of our innate intelligence and is connected to divine wisdom. The third eye chakra controls the flow of hormones from the pituitary gland and responds well to a wholesome attitude. Discernment, intuition wisdom and knowledge are all qualities of this chakra. When it is open and functioning optimally, we can discern our highest good and we embody the Wise Person. This person seeks meaning, truth and freedom and they offer the best of their life to assist others along the path of life. They engage in a wholesome life and follow spiritual pursuits, guiding and encouraging others around them. When this chakra is out of alignment we embody the Intellectual who only draws on the resources of analytical thinking for information without incorporating the emotional or spiritual aspects of being. This energy tends to be dry and lifeless and often leads to a judgemental and narrow-minded perspective. The brow chakra is connected to the color indigo, classical music, mindful knowing/intuition and is connected to the cosmos.
Brow Affirmation: I open myself to know my inner guidance and deepest wisdom. I live in the light of my truth. I release and forgive the past. I am the source of truth and love in my life.